Physical Strain

Vignette Name Need Current Approach  Alternate Suggestion What could be created
Miles Miles needs help reducing his own physical and psychological strains due to taking care of his wife. He is finding it difficult because home help is costly and expensive. Tries to take time to do photography, read, go on walks and hikes with his dog.
Mason Mason needs help assisting his father in the bathroom. He finds that it is a physical, mental and emotional challenge. There is a lot of confusion and risk of fall with how many steps there are to bathing and toileting. Grab bars, poles.Mason’s dad watches video of how to wash your hands from  Toronto Rehab often.
Paisley Paisley needs help taking care of her back without compromising her care for her husband. Her back gets sore when she helps him after he falls. She sees the chiropractor, who is giving her a reduced rate, a physical therapist, and massage therapy students.Paisley changed her technique to help her husband when he falls. She tries to use the chair to assist him in getting up instead of just jumping in and helping.
Joseph Joseph would like his wife to be able to continue going to the hairdresser, but he would like it to be less physically demanding and time consuming. Joseph has to take his wife in his arms to perform the various transfers which requires that he remains there throughout the appointment.
Adèle Adèle would like it to be less physically demanding for her to help her husband wash himself. They have an accessible shower. Her husband transfers to a commode that he propels with his feet in the shower where Adèle helps him wash. She finds it unstable on this chair since it is not bolted down.
Adèle would like getting her husband dressed to be less physically demanding for her. Adèle helps him get dressed.