
Petra takes care of her 68 year old friend that she lives with. He has had multiple strokes, which took away his ability to concentrate for a long period of time. He is also a diabetic, and has had depression.

Needs Current Approaches used by Petra Alternate Suggestions What Could Be Created?
1. Petra wants a caregiver relaxation group that meets up at a time that fits her schedule. There is one in the local newspapers in the evening, but she can only make it if it is in the morning. Petra recognized when she was burnt out doing her professional caregiving (paid), as well as informal caregiving of the friend she currently takes care of. She stayed at home for one month before going back to professional caregiving.
Petra understands she has to pace herself in order to avoid burnout now.
2. Petra needs help instilling self-confidence in her friend. He is very self-conscious about his disability, which limits his independence. Ex: he wants to go outside to do gardening but will only do it if Petra is accompanying him.