
Paige is taking care of her husband who was diagnosed with a progressive neurological condition. Her husband has problems with his movement with all 4 limbs (i.e. Problems with coordination) and has trouble making decisions. Her husband can easily become emotional. Her husband is currently self-employed, but is having trouble with his business.

Needs Current Approaches Used by Paige Alternate suggestions What could be created?
1. Paige wants to find a new productive activity for herself outside the home. Her husband is very dependent on her, but he enjoys working and while he is doing that, she has time to do the things she needs to do.  
2. She wants to enable her husband to enjoy books, since he can no longer read due to his condition.  
3. She wants to be able to find information easily regarding caregiving or her husband’s condition. She uses “a clinician’s guide to the management of [a neurological] disease” – this guidebook tells her who should be involved and what they should do.
4. She needs help dealing with psychological strain from caregiving. She is aware of caregiver burn out program, but wants a more proactive approach to ensure burnout does not occur.
5. She needs help making sure her husband can take the stairs safely as he is prone to falling. She has installed railings on both sides of stairs in her home. She is concerned about the progression of her husband’s condition – his mobility will get worse.
6. She needs help with organising and obtaining family support.