
Vignette Name Need Current Approach Alternate Suggestion What could be created
Peggy Peggy needs to be able to do multiple caregiving tasks, but doesn’t have enough time. Creates to do lists
Peggy is overwhelmed with taking care of her daughter and her mother. Handydart – assistive car services for people with cognitive/physical impairment
Pippa Pippa needs help managing her mom; she does the finances, takes care of assistive technologies, books appointments, and keeps track of medications. This is time consuming and sometimes she forgets things. Pippa is not working fulltime, only part time so that she has more time for her mother.
Pippa needs help dealing with the overwhelming feeling from all the new technology. She wishes there was a website to offer guidance and resources for those faced with challenges in learning how to use new technologies.
Michael Michael needs help taking care of his dad because he started to feel more and more overwhelmed as his father’s condition progressed. Ex: cleaning up his father’s toileting. This was a concern because his father would have to stand up and he has balance problems. This became less of an issue when his father moved into assisted living.
Adèle Adèle is worried because she feels she has less energy to go shopping because she has to bring everything back, put it away, and prepare meals.