
Murphy is a retired, older man who is taking care of his wife who sustained a spinal cord injury and has paraplegia. Murphy and his wife live in an assisted living retirement residence. His wife is primarily assisted by care aids; Murphy considers himself as always on call. He helps the care aids when needed and takes care of some activities such as laundry, shopping, and budgeting.


Current Approaches used by Murphy Alternate suggestions 

What could be created?

1. Needs better wheels on the lift and sling, since wheels are too small and cannot be maneuvered properly.  
2. Wants better financial security (pension isn’t keeping up with inflation)  
3. Needs better mattresses for hospital beds, as he sometimes sleeps on them too and they are uncomfortable; additionally he finds the mattress makes dressing his wife more difficult. He spoke with someone about potentially changing the mattresses
4. Needs help with footrest on the powered wheelchair, as foot slides off so he is constantly putting foot back on, but if it’s too big then it would be harder for her to maneuver.  
5. Needs help with assisting his wife in riding public transit, chairs need to be lifted and the pole on the bus makes it tight to maneuver powered wheelchair in; maneuvering problem.  
6. He needs help getting his wife to adjust to using the reacher, instead of asking for his help.