Moe is an older man who takes care of and lives with his 29-year-old daughter who has Down’s syndrome, leaving her with slightly shorter limbs. His daughter has a sleeping disorder, a heart condition (which subsided) and Leukemia. His daughter suffered from a stroke, which left her with slight vision impairment. She uses a cane indoor and a powered chair to get around outdoors.
Needs | Current Approaches Used by Moe | Alternate suggestions | What could be created? |
1. He needs help supervising his daughter since she cannot be left alone and he needs free time. | Planned lifetime advocacy network – website helps plan life care in case something were to happen to the caregiver. | ||
2. He wants to find a way the help his daughter use public washroom, because accessible washroom toilet seats are too high, and regular public washrooms do not have space for her wheelchair. | |||
3. He wants to find ways to help his daughter with housekeeping. | |||
4. He wants to find a safer way for his daughter to get around outdoors, since she makes questionable judgements when crossing the street with her powered chair, etc. | |||
5. He wants to help his daughter use the phone. | GE picture phone, which allows his daughter to see the picture of the person who is calling, as she will not answer any call if she does not recognize caller. | ||
6. He wants to help his daughter stay in shape since she is overweight but has mobility limitations. | Wii games to help her move around.
“Health care app” which helps monitor blood pressure and exercise, etc. |
7. He wants to reduce the amount of space equipment (such as wheelchair) takes up. | |||
8. He needs help moving some of the heavy mobility devices that she uses. | Hydraulic chair lift and porch lift. | ||
9. He needs help finding financial aid for his daughter. | Was getting financial aid but it ended when his daughter turned 18.
BC paraplegic association – only help quadriplegic and paraplegic , his daughter is hemiplegic so she is not covered. He formed a non-profit for individuals who only care for 1 person but they are only getting $3000 attached with limitations. |
10. He wants to find ways to improve his daughter’s sleeping habits. | Melatonin, blue light reduction. |