
Milo is a 29-year-old caregiver who does not live with his mother, but often goes over to take care of his 60-year-old mother, who has Alzheimer’s. Milo has a brother and a sister, and neither of the siblings live with the parents. Milo’s parents live together.

Needs Current Approaches used by Milo Alternate Suggestions What Could Be Created?
1. Milo needs resources for dealing with his mother’s incontinence in the mornings. When she has mishaps overnight, it causes a mess when she sits on the bath bench in the mornings.  
2. Milo needs help getting his mom to cooperate, so that he can help her with dressing and grooming. During oral care, he would tell her to open her mouth, but she forgets.  
3. Milo needs help getting his mother to go to appointments outside of the house. It is hard to get her into the car and get her to cooperate with the doctor.  
4. Milo needs help finding services that would provide caregivers with more time that are cheaper.  
5. Milo needs an affordable companionship or day program where younger people diagnosed with dementia could go. His mother was diagnosed earlier than the majority of people with dementia, so she feels out of place going somewhere for older individuals.  
6. Milo needs help assisting his mother with operating the iPod. She is unable to adjust settings because she has lost that cognitive ability. Milo mentioned voice-activated systems, but his mom does not have enough cognitive function to operate this.

Milo, or one of his family members is there to change the settings if Milo’s mother responds negatively to the audio coming from the iPod.