Mason is a 40 year old, who takes care of his father, who has had Alzheimer’s for 10 years. Mason does not live with his father, but is a twenty minute drive away. Mason’s mother works part time, and assists with aid at times. Mason has a background in technology, which gives him the ability to access materials that are not easily found on the market. His father lives at home.
Needs | Current Approaches used by Mason | Alternate Suggestions | What Could Be Created? |
1. Mason needs help dealing with his dad’s incontinence. They are constantly changing the bed, his bed sheets, and his clothing. | Pink buckets from home depot to help change dirty laundry that might be on his bed. | ||
2. Mason needs help preventing his father’s falls. Mason find that this happens most often when older adult is trying to take their clothes off, or when they’re trying to sit down. He worries about him hitting himself. | Video cameras were put up so that there would be a monitor. | ||
3. Mason needs help assisting his father in the bathroom. He finds that it is a physical, mental and emotional challenge. There is a lot of confusion and risk of fall with how many steps there are to bathing and toileting. | Grab bars, poles.
Mason’s dad watches video of how to wash your hands from Toronto Rehab often. |
4. Mason needs help preventing his father from choking. | Mason has a culinary background so he makes sure that the spaghetti is not too long, or the foods are not too hard. | ||
5. Mason needs help aiding his father with walking around the house. Ideally, he’d like many poles around the house but they are expensive. | They have a few floor to ceiling poles (~$200-300) around the house.
Grab handles and bars. Wheelchair for the days when his father is weaker. |
6. Mason needs help showing his father how to use a telephone. He won’t use it because he doesn’t know how to. | Video skyping to communicate with people, because Mason’s father has a better response visually. |