
Julien is a man in his 60s who works full time and has been taking care of his wife for 20 years. He lives with his wife who has multiple sclerosis and helps her an average of 35 hours per week. His wife has problems with balance and has reduced mobility. She moves in a motorized wheelchair which she gets into with Julien’s help. It requires different adaptations to be able to handle everyday objects.

Needs Current Approaches Alternate Suggestions


What could be created?
1. Julien would like to be able to do leisure activities with his wife.
2. Julien would like to make sure that transfers from the power wheelchair to the toilet are safe (whether he’s present or not). They have a higher toilet and a wall-mounted grab bar. Julien physically helps his wife during the transfer.
3. Julien would like to minimize the chances that his wife forgets to take her medications. They have pillboxes. Julien gives the relevent box to his wife when needed.
4. Julien would like to eliminate the risk that his wife falls when being transferred from the bed to her motorized wheelchair. His wife sometimes independently transfers herself with supervision, sometimes with physical help, and sometimes with the lift on a rail. The choice depends on what physical shape Julien and his wife are in at that moment.



5. Julien would like to be able to ensure that he has a hospital bed in the respite residence since not all rooms in the residence have a hospital bed.
6. Julien would like to have access to grants that cover all the renovations needed to make the home safer and more user-friendly for his wife.
7. Julien would like a lift that is easier to install.
8. Julien would like to have access to more home help.