Joël is a man in his sixties working part time who has been caring for his wife for 2 years. He helps about 80 hours per week. His partner had a stroke that left her physically and cognitively impaired: incontinence, reduced mobility, decreased balance, forgetfulness or freezing if she was distracted while performing a task . They live together in the same home as before the stroke and have few assistive devices and adaptations.
Needs | Current Approaches | Alternate Suggestions
What could be created? |
1. Joël would like his wife to be able to move from one place to another without being distracted. | Joël accompanies her to make sure she reaches her final destination without taking too much time. | ||
2. Joël would like it to be easier for his wife to use the stairs. | Joël provides her with physical assistance to support her weight and remind her of the movements necessary to get up the stairs. | ||
3. Joël would like his wife to have an easier time travelling on rough terrain. | Joël always supports her when she travels through rough terrain. | ||
4. Joël would like an easier way to help his wife put on her shoes | Joël puts on his wife’s shoes with a shoe tongue. |
5. Joël would like to have better control of the food consumed by his wife (she eats everything she can get her hands on). | |||
6. Joël would like a way to control his wife’s internet usage. | Joël has already locked some sites. | ||
7. Joël would like to be notified when his wife goes to the bathroom since he must help her. | Joël provided her with undergarments for incontinence. | ||
8. Joël would like to provide his wife with hygiene care more easily. His wife has balance problems when she is in the shower | Joël helps his wife in the shower. He currently does not have technical help. |