James: A 70-year-old retired man helping his wife living with cancer and other related issues.
Jérôme: A man who helps his elderly father with arthritis and diabetes who lives in a semi-independent senior home.
Joël: A man in his 60s working part-time who takes care of his wife who suffered a stroke.
Jonathan: A man in his sixties who takes full-time care of his brother living with cerebral palsy.
Julien: A working man in his sixties helping his wife who has been living with multiple sclerosis for 20 years.
Mason: A man who takes care of his father who has had Alzheimer’s for 10 years.
Mauricio: An older man who takes care of his mother who has broken both hips.
Michael: A older man who takes care of his father who has aphasia and suffered a hemorrhagic stroke.
Miles: An older man caring for his wife who has late onset Huntington’s Disease.
Moe: An older man caring for his daughter who has Down’s syndrome.
Pamela: Pamela is an older woman taking care of her husband, who has Parkinson’s disease.
Pandora: An older woman caring for her father who has dementia associated with Parkinson’s.
Paris: A woman who takes care of her mother who has Alzheimer’s disease.
Patricia: A middle-aged woman caring for her father who had a stroke, a heart attack and is suffering from Parkinson’s disease.
Penelope: An older woman caring for her mother and son with cerebral palsy.
Perry: A woman who takes care of her mother with vascular dementia, osteoporosis, arthritis, and hypertension.
Persia: An older woman caring for her husband who has Parkinson’s Disease.
Petra: A woman who takes cares of her friend who has suffered from multiple strokes, is diabetic, and has had depression.
Petunia: A woman caring for her mother who has diabetes, cardiac and breathing problems, and her son struggling with a form of autism.
Peyton: An older woman who cares for three older adults, who all experience general age related functional decline.
Peggy: A woman with arthritis who cares for her daughter who has dietary restrictions, mobility, and cognitive impairments. She also cares for her mother with who lives with muscle spasms, which affect her speech, vision, and mobility.
Poppi: A woman who takes care of her mother with dementia, anxiety, depression, high levels of stress, and type 2 diabetes.
Priscilla: A woman caring for her mother who has dementia and arthritis.