Anaïs is a woman in her fifties who works full time. She has provided about 10hrs of help to her mother for 10 years. Her mother is aging, has heart failure, and has a history of strokes. She lives in a semi-independent seniors home. She uses a walker in her apartment and when she walks in the hallways or outside.
Needs | Current Approaches | Alternate Suggestions
What could be created? |
1. Anaïs would like to have support in managing her mother’s finances. | Anaïs is fully responsible for managing her mother’s finances. | ||
2. Anaïs would like to ensure the safety of her mother while she is bathing. | Anaïs helps her mother while she is bathing. Her mother uses an electric bath seat that goes down into the tub and grab bars. | ||
3. Anaïs would like her mother to have access to recreational activities. | Anaïs set up a gardening session in the residence. | ||
4. Anaïs would like to ensure her mother’s safety when transitioning from sitting to standing. | Anaïs helps her mother when she is present. Her mother leans on her walker to get up. Her mother has a bracelet to call the residence in case of a fall. |
5. Anaïs would like to know the techniques to help people with physical disabilities to remain mobile. | |||
6. Anaïs would like to make her mother’s foot care easier and safer since she is afraid of hurting her when she does it. | Anaïs takes care of cutting her mother’s nails with a regular nail clipper. | ||
7. Anaïs would like a mobility aid that is less cumbersome for her mother. | Her mother has to use two mobility aids since the walker is too big to use in the apartment. | ||
8. Anaïs would like to see an improvement in the supply of medical services outside urban centers. | Anaïs drives her mother to her appointments in other cities. | ||
9. Anaïs would like to have access to hygiene assistance services for her mother when she is unable to do so. | The residence’s service is overloaded and her mother does not have a great enough loss of independence to receive public services. | ||
10. Anaïs would like to promote the safety and social connectedness of her mother. | Her mother sometimes locks her door to prevent others from entering her room. |